Monday, 4 April 2011

Day one

Day one

I took some time today to scroll through Forceme's blog, I have at one time or another read every single entry posted there, today I was simply scanning. The name of Forceme's blog is "forceme Silverspar adventures in second life" so lets see how many are about adventures and learning, and how many are simply oppurtunities for a rant.

In 2011 so far

Useful Blogs - intellegent well thought out useful and interesting adventures

Excuse to bitch or attack 

I could go back and list 2010 and 2009 at some point I probably will, if I dont get shut down first, but for now this will do to start with.

My first and most obvious thought to Forceme's blog is if my second life annoyed me so much I would quite simply leave. We all have enough annoyances in real life (first life) why on earth would we stay in a place that seems only to provide us with more??

My second thought is I actually find this rather sad, especially as sometimes the blogs start out with a good point, for example the day Forceme and friend took time to visit Gor sims to gain a better understanding, interesting, insightful, fun, then oh no here comes the bitching.

So Forceme, or perhaps a better name would be Forceyou this is my tribute to you, a look at your second life through anothers eyes. I am sure I will be reported to blogger and my blog removed, but maybe just maybe you will take the time to read first and see that there are other opinions just as valid as yours, that not all things are seen through blinkers, and that you cannot force all to believe the things you do.

More then likely you will just write about it on your blog in another of your famous bitch and whine sessions, but one thing for sure I had a lot of fun writing this


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